Monday, 5 April 2010

Book Study continued-Garden Walk

The latest technique from the Paper Transformed book study is called Garden Walk.

Julia's instructions are to drip alcohol ink colors one at a time over glossy paper. Finish with a sprinkling of alcohol ink blending solution. She says "do not use an applicator for this treatment".  I found that by following this method I ended up with big circles/blobs, whereas Julias are a bunch of tiny and larger circles, reminiscent of a coloured stone pathway-hence the name "garden walk".

I was determined to get mine at least a wee bit closer to what hers looked like and so I let the Alcohol Inks dry a bit then added more drops of the colours. I also took the AI bottle and just gently hit it on the end of my finger while holding it in my other hand (hope you understand what I mean) and this gave me a bit more of the smaller drops.

I just kept layering on the AI's and held the blending solution a bit higher up from the cardstock when "sprinkling" it on. The one at the top left is about as close as I could get to how Julia's was in the book.

The second techique where Julia suggests putting some of the Metallic AI on then adding the blending solution was a total failure (the one on the lower right ) and looks absolutely nothing like hers in the book. I wonder though if she perhaps let the blending soloution drip and move around by holding the cardstock and moving it about?

I made these on ATC size cardstock so will be using them for some future swaps.  I think I may try this again later on and perhaps let each layer dry completely then add more drops of the AI and see if that will get it closer to Julia's.


Carol said...

Your samples look great. I wonder if we should drop the blending solution in a little cup and take our fingers to sprinkle it on?!?!?

chrissy said...

These look great!! I still need to try this technique.

LuLu said...

I actually like the pink bottom right 'failed' sample. It's more organic and less delimited than the others...

Would love for you to visit my blog when you have a momemt or 2!
